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An Overview of Substance Use Disorders $19.95
Social Services

An Overview of Substance Use Disorders

Substance use is a growing problem across populations. As a helping professional, you need a basic understanding of how substance use affects your clients. This information will help you to provide support and resources to help clients seek treatment and recovery. In this course, you will explore substance use disorders, how they develop, and their impact on individuals. The course also explains your role as a paraprofessional when working with individuals with substance use disorders. You will be provided an overview of evidence-based interventions and the types of substance use treatment programs available, when additional treatment may be necessary. Detailed examples will help you to apply this information in your own work. The goal of this course is to provide paraprofessionals and peer support specialists in health and human service settings with information on substance use disorders and evidence-based interventions.
ITEM: #988471
  • National Academy of Certified Care Managers

    Relias,LLC is approved by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM) as a continuing education provider, #18-502RA. This activity approved for 1.0000 CMC contact hours
  • National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals
    This activity is approved for 1.0000 contact hours.
An Overview of Substance Use Disorders
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