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Ethics in Billing Practices $30.00
BCBA CEU Courses

Ethics in Billing Practices

Behavior analysts are held to ethical, legal, and professional standards when providing and billing for intervention services. This course will provide an overview of ethical issues related to billing third-party payers for ABA services.

This training program is offered independent of the Behavior Analysis Certification Board® (BACB®).

Participant complaints regarding this or any other BACB CE event requirements violations must first be directed, in writing, to the Relias Learning ACE Coordinator, Rhonda Davin, PhD. Please contact Dr. Davin via email: ACECoordinator@reliaslearning.com. The ACE Coordinator will make every reasonable attempt to resolve participant complaints; however, should the ACE Coordinator be unable to resolve the complaint, the complainant may file a formal complaint directly with the BACB.

ITEM: #1689273
  • Behavior Analyst Certification Board
    ACE Behavior Analyst Certification Board Logo

    This course is designed to meet Ethics CE requirements as outlined by the BACB.

    CEU Type: Learning
Ethics in Billing Practices
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