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Introduction to HIPAA for HH Managers $15.00
Home Care Essentials

Introduction to HIPAA for HH Managers

Violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) continue to be a challenge in health care. Given today’s technology, how do home health professionals working in community settings manage HIPAA-related risks? Created for home health managers, this course presents basic HIPAA information and highlights common violations related to technology. The goal of this course is to present managers in home health with guidelines for navigating HIPAA requirements.
ITEM: #965120
  • Texas Health and Human Services Commission
    Texas HHSC has determined that Relias' submitted training meets or exceeds the minimum standards for HCSSA administrator training in the following categories: Licensed and Certified Home Health (L&CHH). Texas HHSC also recognizes Relias provides continuing education for administrators and alternate administrators. This activity is approved for 0.5000 contact hours.
Introduction to HIPAA for HH Managers
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